
EVENT: 12th Annual MLK Day Rally & March Location: Central United Methodist Church, Woodward at Adams TIME: Noon Rally at Church, 1:30 March Thru Downtown Sponsor: Detroit MLK Committee Contact: (313) 405-2185 or 671-3715 E-mail: mlkdetroit@ymail.com URL: mlkdetroit.org

Please join us after the march -

The Annual MLK DAY Cultural Program after the march, Jan 19 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at Central United Methodist Church on Woodward and Adams.

(The cultural programs and space for community agencies and grass roots groups will be on the second floor of the church.)

Tentative Format: 3:30 - 4:00 musicians, dancers/ singers 4: 00 -4: 40 poets, 4: 40- 5:00 musicians/ dancers/singers/ to close program